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Barron’s GRE High-Frequency 333 Words
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English Meaning: change of form

বাংলা অর্থঃ রূপান্তর


  • Transformation
  • Transformation
  • Evolution
  • Transition
  • Transmutation

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Metamorphosis


English Meaning: Excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous

বাংলা অর্থঃ অতিসতর্ক


  • Thorough: meaning detailed and complete, leaving nothing out
  • Precise: meaning exact and accurate in every detail
  • Fastidious: meaning excessively attentive to detail or cleanliness
  • Diligent: meaning showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work
  • Methodical: meaning characterized by a systematic, orderly approach to tasks.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Meticulous


English Meaning: one who hates mankind

বাংলা অর্থঃ মানুষ্যবিদ্বেষী


  • Cynic: someone who has a distrustful or pessimistic view of people and their motives
  • Recluse: someone who lives a solitary life, avoiding contact with others
  • Hermit: someone who lives in seclusion, often for religious or philosophical reasons
  • Loner: someone who prefers to be alone and does not socialize much
  • Solitary: someone who is isolated or spends a lot of time alone.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Misanthrope


English Meaning: appease; moderate

বাংলা অর্থঃ উপশম করা


  • Alleviate: meaning to reduce or lessen the severity of something
  • Diminish: meaning to make something less significant or severe
  • Ease: meaning to make something less burdensome or difficult
  • Moderate: meaning to reduce the intensity or extremity of something
  • Reduce: meaning to decrease the amount, size, or intensity of something.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Mitigate


English Meaning: Soothe

বাংলা অর্থঃ শান্ত করা


  • Pacify: meaning to calm or soothe someone who is angry or upset
  • Appease: meaning to satisfy someone’s demands or needs in order to avoid conflict
  • Placate: meaning to make someone less angry or hostile by being conciliatory
  • Soothe: meaning to make someone feel calmer or less agitated
  • Conciliate: meaning to reconcile or make peace with someone who is angry or upset.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Mollify


English Meaning: ill-humored; sullen; melancholy

বাংলা অর্থঃ বিমর্ষ


  • Sullen: meaning bad-tempered and sulky, showing irritation or discontent
  • Gloomy: meaning dark or dim, or characterized by a lack of cheer or hope
  • Melancholic: meaning characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness or depression
  • Miserable: meaning wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
  • Dour: meaning stern or harsh in manner or appearance.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Morose


English Meaning: Worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday

বাংলা অর্থঃ জাগতিক


  • Ordinary: meaning not unusual or special, commonplace
  • Routine: meaning a set of tasks that are performed regularly
  • Commonplace: meaning ordinary, not remarkable or special
  • Monotonous: meaning lacking in variety or interest, dull and repetitive
  • Boring: meaning not interesting or engaging, tedious or dull.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Mundane


English Meaning: Cancel out; nullify; deny

বাংলা অর্থঃ অস্বীকার করা


  • Cancel: meaning to render something null and void, to revoke or annul
  • Nullify: meaning to make something invalid or of no effect
  • Invalidate: meaning to nullify or render something legally or logically unsound
  • Neglect: meaning to ignore or pay no attention to something, to fail to acknowledge
  • Abolish: meaning to formally put an end to something, to get rid of or eradicate.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Negate


English Meaning: Recent convert; beginner

বাংলা অর্থঃ নবদীক্ষিত ব্যক্তি


  • Novice: meaning a person who is new to or inexperienced in a skill or activity
  • Beginner: meaning a person starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity
  • Rookie: meaning a person who is new to a profession or sport
  • Learner: meaning a person who is acquiring knowledge or a new skill
  • Apprentice: meaning a person who is learning a trade or profession under a skilled worker or expert.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Neophyte


English Meaning: adj. stubborn

বাংলা অর্থঃ একগুঁয়ে


  • Stubborn: meaning unwilling to change one’s opinion or behavior, determined in one’s resistance
  • Inflexible: meaning unwilling to bend or compromise, rigid in one’s beliefs or principles
  • Obstinate: meaning stubbornly refusing to change one’s attitude or opinion, doggedly persistent
  • Unyielding: meaning not willing to give way or compromise, rigid in one’s stance
  • Resolute: meaning firm and unwavering in one’s convictions, determined and steadfast.

মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Obdurate