English Meaning: Clear from blame
বাংলা অর্থঃ দোষক্ষালন করা
- Acquit – To declare someone innocent of a crime or wrongdoing.
- Absolve – To release someone from blame or responsibility for a particular act.
- Vindicate – To clear someone of suspicion or doubt, or to justify their actions.
- Clear – To remove all suspicion or doubt about someone’s involvement in a particular event.
- Exonerate – To declare someone not guilty or free from blame or fault.
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Exculpate
English Meaning:
Urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring
immediate attention
বাংলা অর্থঃ জরুরি অবস্থা
- Emergency – a sudden and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
- Crisis – a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
- Urgency – a compelling need for immediate action or attention.
- Necessity – something that is required or indispensable.
- Pressure – a force or influence that compels action or compliance.
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Exigency
English Meaning: projection; conjecture
বাংলা অর্থঃ বহির্পাতন
- Projection – an estimate or forecast based on present or past trends.
- Estimation – the process of calculating or approximating a value based on limited data.
- Inference – a conclusion or deduction based on evidence or reasoning.
- Deduction – a logical conclusion based on premises or facts.
- Prediction – a statement about what will happen in the future based on present indications or past experience.
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Extrapolation
English Meaning: joking (often inappropriately); humorous
বাংলা অর্থঃ সদানন্দ
- Flippant – treating serious matters with inappropriate humor or levity.
- Witty – showing quick and inventive verbal humor.
- Witty – showing quick and inventive verbal humor.
- Ironic – using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of their literal meaning.
- Jocular – characterized by joking or good humor.
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Facetious
English Meaning: help bring about; make less difficult
বাংলা অর্থঃ সহজ করা
- Ease – to make something less difficult or problematic.
- Expedite – to speed up or hasten a process.
- Streamline – to simplify or optimize a process to make it more efficient.
- Assist – to help or aid in the accomplishment of a task.
- Enable – to make something possible or feasible, or to provide the necessary means to accomplish a task.
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Facilitate
English Meaning: false; misleading
বাংলা অর্থঃ প্রতারণাপূর্ণ
- Misleading
- Deceptive
- False
- Erroneous
- Incorrect
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Fallacious
English Meaning: brainless; inane; foolish yet smug
বাংলা অর্থঃ বোকা
- Absurd
- Preposterous
- Ridiculous
- Inane
- Ludicrous
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Fatuous
English Meaning: trying to please by behaving obsequiously flattering or cringing
বাংলা অর্থঃ তোষামোদী
- Sycophantic
- Groveling
- Obsequious
- Subservient
- Toadyish
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Fawning
English Meaning: apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
বাংলা অর্থঃ সুখপূর্ণ
- Appropriate
- Fitting
- Suitable
- Fortunate
- Apt
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Felicitous
English Meaning: Glowing ardor; intensity of feeling
বাংলা অর্থঃ তাপ
- Ardor
- Zeal
- Intensity
- Enthusiasm
- Passion
মনে রাখার কৌশলঃ Fervor